Saturday, April 24, 2010

Today in the Garden

Rattlesnake Pole Bean
Super Sugar Snap Pea, Flowering
Red Rib Dandelion
Cosse Violette Pole Bean
Cucumber Seedling, Yamato
Jalapeno, Mucho Nacho
Puntarelle, flowering
Wild Garden Chicory
Barba di Cappuccino
Yaya Carrots
Fava Bean, Aquadulce
Red Pontiac Potato Plants
"Sugary" Tomatoes
"Sweet Million" Tomatoes
Nasturtium, Empress of India
Lacinoto (Dinosaur or Black) Kale
Buck's Horn
Elephant Garlic
Bunching Onion


  1. WOW..such beautiful pictures.
    Geesh, my garden is still in the dirt stage
    It snowed last week :(

  2. How I miss "planet Houston" (as my kids call it). Such lovely things growing already. Here in the mountains it will be a while before we can plant anything outdoors. =)

  3. So beautiful to see your fava beans. I have never grown those and am planning on starting them this fall for sure. Do you let them get big or do you usually use them when they are small seeded ?
    Regarding your cucumbers, do you find that you have to plant a succession crop or does one planting hold you until the frost ? This year I have Suhyo Cross, White Star and another Asian long green cucumbers. I started harvesting 2 weeks ago and am in the state of ample production now ( I picked over a dozen cucumbers from 8 plants today! ). Part of me thinks that I should have planted a bit later so that I would have them with my tomatoes. I wanted to know if you thought I should plant another set of seeds now.


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