Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Fall Cucumber Harvest

Warm autumn weather has extended the season of many summer vegetables including eggplant, snap beans, basil and tomatoes.  These plants are all producing copious amounts of fruit.  Cucumbers are also plentiful including the lemon cucumber (top) and Marketmore (center).  The "duckling" on the bottom is a Japanese cucumber, Hybrid Soarer, that was not fully pollinated.  Not much use in the kitchen, but a big hit at Kindergarten "show and tell".



  1. The bottom one is so cute. I grow parthenocarpic cukes so I don't have to worry about pollination, but mine still look like that in the fall sometimes because of the cold weather.

  2. I never grow veggies. But I have seen my grandparents grow lovely veggies...and it was super exciting for me! Your;s remind me of our own veg garden :)


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