Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Budin de Elote (Corn Pudding with Zucchini)

The weather here in Texas has been crazy.  One day the temperature is 40°, the next it's 75°.  As a result, we vacillate from craving hearty winter meals to wanting a quick summer supper.  Yesterday was a warm, balmy day so we opted for a summery "pudding" of corn and zucchini for dinner.  We have never grown corn due to it's demanding nature, and our zucchini harvest was a total bust thanks to the squash vine borers.  But although the vegetables in this dish all came from the grocery, the flavors reminded us of summer and the garden.   Made with heavy cream and egg yolks, this is definitely not low-fat, so perhaps despite the summer vegetables it contains, it is best to enjoy this dish during the winter when it is not swimsuit season.  Luckily, this pudding is so rich and filling, with a wonderful texture reminiscent of flan, that a little goes a long way. 

Budin de Elote (Corn Pudding with Zucchini)
adapted from the L.A. Times


3          cups            fresh corn, removed from ears
1 1/2    cups            zucchini, diced small
1/3       cup             unbleached A.P. flour
3                             eggs
3                             egg yolks
3         cups             heavy cream
2         tsp               sea salt
                               pyrex baking dish

  1. Heat oven to 350° convection (375° conventional).  Butter pyrex baking dish.
  2. Toss corn and zucchini with the flour until evenly coated, then spread on the bottom of baking dish.
  3. Combine eggs and yolks well.  Add cream and salt and combine well.
  4. Pour over vegetables and bake until lightly browned on top and center is not wobbly when you touch it.


  1. Love corn pudding - I've never done it with zucchini, I'll have to try it!

  2. I could have mailed you plenty of zucchini! it was good zuke year--this looks yummy! Easy to make vegan, too!

  3. Wow, not very many ingredients in this dish, but I think simplicity is best with good veggies. The textures of zucchini and corn pair nicely... well done, you!

  4. this looks fabulous.mmmmmmm, can't wait to give this a test spin.

  5. Nice recipe! Let me agree with you when it comes to the weather. I got off the plane and caught an allergy cold! I had to run to Whole Foods and get a homeopathic stuff! Just as I was just getting used to MI weather. Sigh!

  6. Mm, corn pudding! I agree with the weather - I grilled chicken breasts this past Tuesday, but come Thursday, it was snowing! Go figure. Texas is weird that way!


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